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The Church - Alive and Well in 2025


In my travels, ministering in churches, and witnessing God's work firsthand, one truth has become clearer: The Church is Alive and well in 2025. Whether in the Philippines, Hong Kong, or right here at home, I see God's faithfulness working in and through His people and building His church, even in the face of opposition. I want to share a message of hope, perseverance, and victory with you.

God is faithful no matter the struggles we face—whether personal battles, spiritual warfare, or global challenges. The work He begins in us, He will complete. This is not just my experience; it is a biblical promise that every believer can stand on.

1. The Church is Alive and Well – Even in Persecution

During my visit to Hong Kong, I was reminded of the spiritual warfare surrounding key regions of the world. Hong Kong has historically been a place of great freedom, but in recent years, that freedom has been restricted. Churches there endured three years of forced closures during COVID-19, and yet, when I visited, I found Calvary Church full of victory and perseverance.

Persecution is not new. It is happening in China, Syria, Nicaragua, and many other places. And yet, the Church is not dying; it is thriving. Jesus promised in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church—and history continues to prove that true.

2. Leadership Matters, But Christ Is the Foundation

John Maxwell is known for saying, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” While I believe leadership is essential, I have realized something greater: everything rises and falls on Jesus. Leadership plays a role, but the Church does not stand or fall based on one person.

This was evident when Pastor Sammy Morris, a dear friend and partner in ministry, passed away. Even after his passing, the work in the Philippines continued to flourish. Why? Because it was not built on him—it was built on Christ. The foundation of our churches, our ministries, and our lives must always be Jesus, not human leaders.

3. God’s Work is Bigger Than Our Struggles

When I first went to Hong Kong 40 years ago, I walked the streets, rode the buses, and prayed, asking God, “How can we be a part of what You are doing here?” I had no idea what would come of that prayer. But over time, God orchestrated events, and today, a thriving church and fellowship exists.

There are times when we don't see how God is working. But if we remain faithful, He will connect the dots. Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:6, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” This is true in our personal lives, churches, and the global mission of God.

4. The Devil Will Fight, But He Won’t Win

Jesus warned that we would face opposition. When He first mentioned the Church in Matthew 16:18, He said, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” That statement wasn’t just about ancient times—it’s true today.

The enemy wants to stop the advance of God’s kingdom. Governments and authorities have tried to silence the Gospel for centuries, but they always fail. Why? Because Jesus already won the victory! Every attack from the enemy is ultimately futile. No weapon formed against God’s people will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

5. Our Role Is to Remain Faithful and Stand Firm

In John 15:5, Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” That means we are connected to Him, and His life flows through us. Our role is not to quit when things get tough but to stay faithful.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told His disciples, “Remain here and watch with me.” But they fell asleep. In the challenges of life, we must not be like them. We must stay spiritually awake, stand our ground, and trust God to complete His work.

Conclusion: God is Working, and He is With Us

The presence of God is moving powerfully today. Despite opposition, the Church is alive, growing, and victorious. As I travel, I see fresh fire stirring in the Church worldwide.

God is faithful in finishing what He starts. He is with us always, just as He promised in Matthew 28:20: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Let’s remain strong, stand firm, and continue in faith, knowing that the best is yet to come.

Larry Neville 

Q & A Section

Q: How do I trust God to finish the work in my life when I feel stuck?

A: Remember Philippians 1:6—God is still working, even when you can’t see it. Pray, stay in the Word, and remain faithful. His timing is perfect, and He will complete what He started.

Q: How can I stand firm in my faith when I face opposition?

A: Lean on the Word of God and surround yourself with a strong community of believers. Ephesians 6:10 says, “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” Strength comes from knowing who you are in Christ and standing on His promises.

Q: What is my role in God’s plan?

A: Your role is to stay connected to Jesus (John 15:5) and be faithful where He has placed you. Whether you are leading, serving, or simply growing, trust that God is using you for His greater purpose.

Q: How do I know if God is really working in my life?

A: Look back at the times He has been faithful before. Pay attention to the doors He is opening. Spend time in prayer and worship—you will begin to sense His presence and direction more clearly.

Q: What should I do when I feel spiritually tired or discouraged?

A: Worship, pray, and refill yourself in God’s presence. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Seek Him, and He will renew your strength.


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