To: Club Readers
November 1, 2021

Happy Monday Morning
“ No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT
Today we moved into Thanksgiving month and the Holiday Season. I love a saying that I read from one of Jack Hayford’s messages, “Making the holidays, holy days makes them happy days.”
Here is a wonderful Thanksgiving report from Thursday about a miracle God gave to Janet.
"O W A F"
Janet Neville

I have this saying, "OWAF". It is my abbreviation for, "Oh What A Father."
I will say this many many times in a day. Every time I recognize that God has done something for me I say, "OWAF". Still, I know that I don't know all that my Father in heaven does for me daily.
Continue reading about the Miracle as Rose Hills
Here goes another Jewel from my files of Dr. John Holland.

"I am a Spirit - I have a Body"
Dr. John Holland
I love this teaching that Dr. Holland was going to put into a book. He gave the unfinished files to me just before he passed a way. I will be sharing more of this teaching each Monday.
These thee statements are at the core of what he wanted to share:
1. I am a Spirit, I have a Body. 2. The spiritual realm controls the physical material world.
3. Spirituality is the ability to receive from the realm of the spirit and then release it into our physical material world.
"Balloon at Masai Mara"
Ron Simpkins
From his new Book

Ron Simpkins is one of my favorite preachers and public speakers. He is also a storyteller. Everyone who knows Ron has heard some of his classics. My favorites are "The Spider" and "Great-grandpa Ben."
Ron has a new book out with some of his greatest and funniest tales. I am going to share one here. I'm not sure where you can buy the book yet, but I will let you know. This is a picture I took of Ron in Kenya, Africa many years ago.
Click here for: "Balloon at Masai Mara"
On a more SERIOUS side . . . Dr. Michael Brown posted this today.
Global Leadership Conference online. This Virtual Conference connects us with PC Global around the world.
We will have one of my favorites teacher: Dr. Eric Dooley.
I met Eric when we lived in Singapore. He is a missionary, church planter, and now a Christian Psychologist. Each time Eric has been with us, he has brought a new dimension of ministry. He has the pulse of what is happening in people's lives today.
Join Janet and I along with PC Global folks all over the world for our ONLINE Communion service. This will be the concluding online service of our LeaderCon 2021. Yes! We are having our PC Global ZOOM LeaderCon 2021, Thursday & Friday November 4-5. Then Saturday morning we will CELEBRATE and REMEMBER our Lord's Sacrificial Death on the Cross. Click here to register free.

There is MORE to COME . . .
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please sign up for the MondayMorning.Club.
We love to read your thoughts so please post your comments.

Larry & Janet Neville