To: Club Readers
September 13, 2021

Happy Monday Morning.
Saturday was the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Do you remember where you were September 11, 2001? We were at our home in Rancho Cucamonga. When the call was put out for blood donations Janet went to donate, and waited in line most of the day. That night we started prayer meetings at the church for the next five evenings.
Apple TV has a 20 year anniversary documentary about 9/11. It is worth watching. You have to get Apple TV, I think I paid 4.99 for one month so I could watch this. Here is the trailer.

Dr. John Holland was the President of the Foursquare Gospel Church Denomination. He was my friend, counselor, and personal mentor for over thirty years. After he retired John and Doris made themselves available to help Janet and I in leading Praise Chapel International.
In this weekly Monday Morning Club, I am going through some of his never before seen writings and correspondence with me. I will also share personal discussions only Janet and I had with John and Dorris. Each Monday, I will share something from Dr. John Holland.
We are starting with this story he shared with me, "Won't you hold my baby."

"Why not NOW - Why not US?
Dr. John Holland gave a word of prophecy to Praise Chapel in 2006. I have held that word close to my heart. I believe this is the season for the fulfillment.
“I have heard from the Lord, I have seen a vision, I have received a promise and I confess, I believe God has chosen Praise Chapel for a specific ministry at this time and for this people. I am to challenge you to take off the clothes of doubt and defeat which the evil one has brought to you. Arise and put on the garments of praise for the day of drought is over and the dawn of the day of spiritual rain has arisen. Rise to meet the destiny of the Lord. You have called yourselves dirt, a people of little value, but the rain of the Lord shall take the barren soil and it shall bring forth abundance. Therefore, take down the coverings of your experience and allow the former and the later rain to fall on you. Don’t fear the abundance that will come, the threshing floors shall be full, the wine and the oil shall overflow. It is the time of rain!” (Prophetic Message from Dr. John Holland 2006).”
Books we've been reading and Videos we have watched.

Donna Neville recommends this book by R.T.Kendall. If you have read one of R.T.'s books you will want to read them all. He challenges us to, "Seek the praise that from God alone." Here is the Kindle link.
I read most of my books on Kindle. They are easy to store. I can cut and past into my study notes. I love it.

"Supernatural: What the Bible teaches about the Unseen World and Why it Matters." I have devoured this book. I'm also meeting with two brothers as we go through it together. Michael is a Hebrew Scholar so his writings are in depth. I think he is targeting people who do not believe in the supernatural. It will make you think. Here's the Amazon link.
Janet's recent read.

"Seated With Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Compromise" by Heather Holleman.
Scripture says that God’s beloved are seated with Christ in the heavens (Eph. 2:6), treasured by Him and given a place at His table. Heather Holleman unveils what this means for us. Here is the link.
There is MORE to COME . . .
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please sign up for the MondayMorning.Club.
We love to read your thoughts so please post your comments.

Larry & Janet Neville
What a wonderful idea to reach out, and keep us in the loop pastor Larry/sis Janet! I am so grateful for technology. I look forward on connecting even more with you both with this "Monday morning". I look forward on learning more as well. God bless, and continue to use you both to reach as many people as possible. Also, thank you for including us in your journey.
Great writing from Pastor Holland...thanks for sharing!